
Eco-friendly, natural cleaning tips and advice

Koh Cleaning Review: The Pros and Cons
Wondering if KOH's universal cleaner is really all that? Check out our KOH cleaning review to see how it performs compared to other eco-friendly products...
Top 3 Secrets of People Whose Homes are ALWAYS Clean
You may know one OR you may be one of them... that person who no matter what is happening in your life, the house is ALWAYS clean!  And if you're not that person, fear not... here are the top 3 secrets...
3 Important Reasons to Use All Natural Cleaning Products
Have you switched to natural cleaning products yet?  If not, here's some motivation for you: Using all natural cleaning products are not just safer for YOU and YOUR health, but also: 1. YOUR PETS They're smaller so are more vulnerable to toxin...
5 Steps to Make your Home Sparkle for the Christmas Holidays
We all want to have sparkling clean house for the holidays in the midst of cooking, shopping and hosting visitors. It's not easy though, is it? This is a wonderful time of year to get together with those we love. There...
Cleaning Tips to get you through the School Holidays
Raise your hand if the house ends up a mess every time school gets out and the kids are at home 24/7. Is your hand up? Because ours sure is!  ⁠ It can be difficult to find the time to...
Cleaning, Sanitising, and Disinfecting - What is the Difference?
What is meant by the terms Cleaning Sanitising and Disinfecting. And are they enough to eliminate pathogens such as the flu and COVID-19?
4 of the Best Uses for Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree (known also as the Melaleuca alternifolia) is an incredible Australian plant, found natively in Queensland and New South Wales. It is just one of Australia’s native wonders with incredible antiseptic and antiviral properties and has a plethora of...
Are Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products Better?
Are eco-friendly cleaners better than standard cleaners? This topic is increasing in popularity as more people look to live greener lifestyles. There are so many varying products on offer from eco friendly to vegan, to all-natural cleaning products, for everything...
4 Essential Oils to try in your diffuser – and why we LOVE them!
Here at All Pure Cleaning, we LOVE to use essential oils in our client's homes and love using diffuser blends in our own homes to leave the place smelling as beautiful as it looks. Every essential oil has different benefits and can...
Vacating a Rental Property: Wear and Tear or Damage?
Wear and Tear is often the subject of conflict when vacating a rental. How do you know if damage is reasonable wear and tear and you are liable for it? Find out here.
10 ways to keep your home germ-free this Winter
To assist you in keeping your home germ-free this winter, we’ve outlined 10 easy ways to do so below. 1. Clean your upholstery Vacuum your pillows and furniture to suck up any germs on the surfaces. 2. Wash your guest...
Why choose healthy comfort foods this winter
As the weather cools down we start to crave lots of comfort foods, but these tend to be full of sugar. Most people are mildly aware of the negative health effects of excessive sugar consumption, yet they continue to indulge...
Top 5 eco friendly products for the laundry
I am conscious about reducing my environmental footprint and avoiding toxic chemicals in my food, cosmetics, and skincare. It makes perfect sense to extend this to the laundry considering conventional washing powders are loaded with toxic chemicals that remain even once dried. These chemicals can cause allergies, reactions, and dermatitis. Given...
Three easy ways to exercise in Winter
We all know the feeling…. it’s dark, it’s cold and you just want to curl up on the couch and read your book or watch a movie. The last thing you feel like doing is exercising! However, in order to...
The top 5 essential oils for green cleaning
Cleaning is work… hard work. If you’re not a fan of cleaning and find yourself stuck on the wrong side of the sponge, it can sometimes be difficult to do it with a smile on your face. What makes it worse...
6 Tips to Spring Clean like Marie Kondo
Everyone’s favourite organisation goddess, Marie Kondo has some amazing advice if you’re contemplating a major Spring clean! We absolutely love Marie Kondo at All Pure Cleaning – she is such an inspiration. Kondo writes in her book ‘The Life Changing...
Natural Skincare - 4 Simple recipes you can make at home
I used to love expensive designer skincare over natural skincare options for their innovative and quick-fixing solutions. Who wouldn’t? There is a product designed for every skin related “problem” you can think of. Wrinkles? Age need not get the better...
How to keep mould at bay this winter
It’s that time of the year when our living habits change the most. The weather cools, it’s cold and wet outside and we prefer the warm and comfort of our homes. So why does mould take hold during the colder...
How to have fun when cleaning your home
We all are so busy in our day to day lives and barely have time for our children and doing things we love, let alone finding time to take care of our beautiful (albeit messy) house! The days are long gone from...
How to cleanse the air in your home
Did you know that the air around you in your home can sometimes be more toxic than the air outside? According to, the concentration of Volatile Organic Compounds (otherwise known as “VOCs”) can be up to ten times higher...
Herbs and vegetables: Grow your own
The simple herb… Who would have thought it packed so much punch!  If you are considering implementing the ‘garden to kitchen’ concept then herbs are the best way to start. Not only are they super easy to grow (they only...